Welcome to the #BigBrnzChallenge. Did you ever think that we would get to the end of 2020? This has seriously been a year of Monday’s with the pandemic and all
Tag: situps
April 2020 #BigBrnzChallenge
So here we are, 6 days into April and you haven’t seen a #BigBrnzChallenege. What the heck BigBrnz? Well needless to say we’ve been a little bit busy with everything
Challenge Time
Hey, what ever happened to those bigbrnz.com challenges? You know the ones with the simple movements and one month to finish? Well Ladies and Gentlemen, you wanted them
New Addition!
RODRIGO catching some zzz’s after a big morning… EXCITING NEWS FROM THE HILL! @SavannahJessie and I would like to take this opportunity to welcome RODRIGO to the family! That’s
Happy Long Weekend
The LONG WEEKEND is HERE!!! Excited much? Just a bit. I got an extra long weekend thanks to some recently discovered unused vacation days and Friday I got to
No Really. Where Has The Time Gone.
After a super sweaty welcome back WOD… Can you believe the summer is almost over? No it’s true. August is about to give way to September, Fall is coming, traffic