I’ve been on various diets and programs for the better part of two decades and one thing has always been the same. I like chocolate. I like to snack and
Tag: Food
Eating to Perform
Food. Damn you delicious, nutritious and cheesy jerk. Mmm, cheese, maybe that’s where I’ve been going wrong. Over the course of the last 10 years I have lost the equivalent
#BigBrnzChallenge November
Welcome to Mo-Vember!! How did you do during the October #BigBrnzChallenge? Did you get all 1,000 Lunges? I. Did. Not. I struggled mightily with this challenge and though I had
Thank You For The Love
Thank You for the Love. Thanks for reaching out after my last post. It was an emotional day thinking about the end quickly approaching. I appreciate that comments and it
Hacking Dinner
We are all busy. I get it. It’s tough to find time to batch cook healthy food on weekends, especially if you spend the week running around. Tough decision, get
The Extras (Supplements)
Here is a quick listing of all the supplements and vitamins I currently use.