So here I am… 9 days after EVLT and 45 trips around the sun. Can you believe it? Sadly, thanks to COVID I won’t be hosting another of my wild parties, but I am still in a celebratory mood. My 44th was a year like no other, World in lockdown, global pandemic, toilet paper shortages and isolation from 99% of friends and family. Mentally and socially, it was a pretty brutal year, not just for me, but for Everyone. Still, looking back, I am happy that we are healthy, my family and friends are as well and at some point, we will see each other again. Today will be an update about my recovery and what the ‘New Plan’ is going to be going forward.
So Here I am Recovering From ‘The Laser’
The first few days after the procedure I didn’t do much. I watched the streak of 10,000 steps end at 207 days and there was physically nothing I could do about it. Seriously crappy feeling but that’s the way it goes. I managed to waddle around the block but the tugging feeling inside the body made it a struggle. I’m really not complaining, although it seems to have that tone. The Doctor was happy with the procedure. A subsequent ultrasound showed that the veins were closed, there were no blood clots and nothing to be concerned about. I still have at least two more weeks in these stockings so it doesn’t look like I will be up to much, but I will up my steps as I become more comfortable.
Training and Health Plans
Training wise I am a grumpy Gus. No training for at least two and possibly three weeks. Ugh. My body should remember my conditioning and I will get back into my Mon-Wed-Fri running plan ASAP. The distances will be shorter but it will be worth it as I build back up. Cycling season is just around the corner too which will be a nice change. It will be interesting to see if my spin sessions have any impact on performance. Finally I will be lifting again. It may be dumbbells to start with the peloton app, but my goal is to reintroduce myself to a barbell at some point this summer. All of this will hopefully lead to a successful 10K which is one of the goals I wrote down for 2021.
Another year older, marginally smarter and hopefully on the cusp of a really great year. It’s started off slowly, but if we can string together some nice days and we can say goodbye to COVID-19, who knows maybe I will get to have a 45 and a half party. Until then raise a glass in the sunshine on Sunday and celebrate with me.