Don’t blink or you will miss them. Guess who is back at @CrossFitCanuck? That’s right, the socks are back. The yellow ones. Now these are what you might call vintage
Tag: Deadlifts
15,640lbs and New Kicks
So these posts are going to be coming at you a bit out of order. Not a huge deal, but just in case we get to my ride blog
15,330 Days and a Few More
This Guy has been keeping us busy… @RoRoFromMexico on Instagram. Hello? Is this thing on <taps microphone>? So, um, I’ve been gone for a while… Did you miss me? During
New Addition!
RODRIGO catching some zzz’s after a big morning… EXCITING NEWS FROM THE HILL! @SavannahJessie and I would like to take this opportunity to welcome RODRIGO to the family! That’s
Is It Really??!!?
First Class… Boardroom of the original Toronto Stock Exchange Can you believe that January is over already? No really, where has this month gone? One minute and I’m out