The LONG WEEKEND is HERE!!! Excited much? Just a bit. I got an extra long weekend thanks to some recently discovered unused vacation days and Friday I got to
Tag: Push-ups
Milestones and Grindstones
Where I spent a solitary Sunday afternoon… Milestones? Well how about a spirited round ‘Happy Anniversary to Me’ (and I wouldn’t say no to drums or Handstands either)? Can you
So Recovery is KEY
Remember that wrecking ball? Well it turns out that it was more like an underground tactical nuclear weapons test. I’m not sure what I got hit with, but my,
No Really. Where Has The Time Gone.
After a super sweaty welcome back WOD… Can you believe the summer is almost over? No it’s true. August is about to give way to September, Fall is coming, traffic
The Price of Progress
First ride of the year and this helmet is still badass. Well I hope that everyone had a great weekend!! I don’t know about you, but it was jammed packed
Off to See The Wizard
The Wizard of MAT! Wednesday (November 25) – So as @keilshammer loves to point out, there is a lot of talk on about injury (mostly mine). Yes, I’m clumsy.