@CapPro00, @Keilshammer and I after going ‘Full Circle’ Monday (November 16) – Coming full circle? What cryptic message is this? Well one of the main things about CrossFit is measuring.
Tag: DUs
So, About That Challenge…
1 bar going up (nice pull @arboristriley) and 1 coming down… Tuesday (September 8) – In a time long ago, at a cottage far away, 2 inebriated CrossFitters decide that they
Flying Heavy
Wednesday (July 22) – I don’t understand how I was recovering and feeling fine two weeks ago doing two-a-days and now I’m knocked down. I feel totally out of kilter
Mini Pre-Weekend Work
Double Under Face Thursday (July 2) – I’m smack dab in the middle of my 5 DAY WEEKEND and while I would love nothing better than to sleep for the
Deep Thoughts…
Check out my new shirt from @savannahjessie! Wednesday (June 17) – Sometimes you learn a lot before the sun rises. Interesting concept? It is, especially when your eyes are barely open.
And What Have You Done?
Photo credit to JoJo. Post AMRAPS, relaxing in the Sun. Wednesday (June 3) – I’m not even sure how it’s possible to be this far behind (AGAIN) in posts. I