Lumberjack20 with the Beaver (aka Wallballs) Wednesday (July 1) – Happy Freaking Birthday CANADA!! I know by the time you actually read this it will be Happy Birthday ‘Merica, but
Tag: Burpees
Applying Knowledge
Post WOD/Cash-out Stretching Monday (June 22) – Do you know what DOMS is? No? My bet is that you probably do, you just didn’t know what it was called. DOMS
You Make Friends with Salad
6am Class with our victory SALAD!! Wednesday (June 18) – It’s amazing what people will do to get some spinach. Wait, what? That’s right, the original Mamma Bear (@katieandrian) put
And What Have You Done?
Photo credit to JoJo. Post AMRAPS, relaxing in the Sun. Wednesday (June 3) – I’m not even sure how it’s possible to be this far behind (AGAIN) in posts. I
New Day, New Stuff
Setting up for something… Friday (May 22) – Clearly Thursday didn’t happen. It sucks, but you have to listen to the body. Things are out of alignment and it’s locking
Sometimes You Don’t Win
Monday Tuesday (May 19) – Well it sure did feel like a Monday, especially after all the things that were going on. Now the title doesn’t sound like one of