It has been a long time since I’ve hit up 4 classes @CrossFitCanuck, but that’s how the schedule worked out this week with Canada Day and 54.40 at the Kee.
Tag: Ring Dips
The Devil is in the Details
I know I’ve said it before, but if you miss a week @CrossFitCanuck, when you come back it’s like starting all over again. The routines don’t change (ok, this time
The Pinch Is Coming
So as I’ve been telling you for the last little while, Jillian is ready to crack the whip and I’m ready to get back on track. Lately I just haven’t
Rope For Sale
I’m not sure that I have enough foul words to describe how much I loathe Double Unders. Even if I could give voice to my displeasure, I’m pretty sure that
Somebody Got Hitched
Now before you start acting crazy, I did not get married this weekend. Now with apologies to the Bride and Groom for photo bombing the pic with the Groom’s Parents
After the Rest
What a weekend, what a weekend. I survived, I rested and I got a chance to do some cheering for the @CrossFitCanuck teams that competed at CompWOD (held at CrossFit