Actually to be more accurate it, I should have titled it ‘Bring a Friend to CrossFit Day’ or maybe ‘Bring a Friend to WOD Day’. In any case, @CrossFitCanuck was
Tag: Push-ups
Spring Has Finally Sprung… Maybe
It’s 10 degrees on the happy side of par (0 for those non-golfers), the back door is open at @CrossFitCanuck and there looks to be some heavy lifting going down
Christmas in March
Well FINALLY! Mr. Castro has announced Open WOD 14.3 and it seems that he was channeling my inner wishes. Deadlifts and Box Jumps with the number of Deadlifts going up
Rethink Your Plan Dave
Tonight was Open announcement number 2. Tonight was another one of those good and bad moments that seem to be what Open season is all about. Workout 14.2 is a
Difficult Decisions Made Easier
So before we get into the decisions, lets talk about CrossFit. I know, you are rolling your eyes, but there is proof in the pudding (as they say). Take a
Another First
Things are coming fast and furious in 2014. Today registration opened for the 2014 CrossFit Games Open. That’s right, the registration opened and as a part of my 2014 Goals