Sometimes the view from the floor is best… April – It has been a little bit emotional in @BigBrnz land over the last few weeks. If you aren’t sure why,
Tag: Grace
So, About That Challenge…
1 bar going up (nice pull @arboristriley) and 1 coming down… Tuesday (September 8) – In a time long ago, at a cottage far away, 2 inebriated CrossFitters decide that they
Listen for the Voice
Last Canuck Lite with @SavannahJessie and Coach Z (@zlreyes) Monday (August 31) – All good things must come to an end. Hmm. Disagree. Nothing has to really end if you don’t
Holy Shamrocks Batman
Like my new hat??? Tuesday (March 17) – Kiss me I’m Irish! Ok, so the posting comes long after the green beer is gone and the rivers of Chicago have
Breaking Out The Awesome Sauce
Holy Birthday WODs this week Batman. As the week wound down it was our own @SarahBassels who was celebrating another turn of the calendar. Birthday = Birthday WOD @CrossFitCanuck and