September 11th Memorial It’s been 13 years since that fateful September 11th 2001 when terrorists flew planes into the Twin Towers and The Pentagon. I was still working for Canada
Tag: Deadlifts
Welcome Back. You Have Lines…
Mr. Spilly Plates… No, I don’t have lines. @keilshammer got lines for poor management of weight on a bar in the rack. Oh and almost killing a Coach. Now other
There’s a Whole Lot Going On…
Early this morning… Tuesday’s training plan went out the window when I found out there was a 30th anniversary screening of my favorite movie of all-time. Ghostbusters. Is there anything
Fighting Till The End
Well everything seemed to be working when I finally pulled myself out of bed this morning, but it wasn’t at my normal time. After the 5KM post WOD, I figured
Taking The Plunge
Attempted to write L1 in Sweat Angels… What have I done? Well it’s simple, I’ve taken a big step here in my CrossFit journey. Today I signed up for the
Playing With The New Toys
Did you hear that? It sounded like a Blogger screaming… Who do you suppose it is? Answer: ME! That is the reason you never take an extended period of time