How about this for a Flashback? It’s been 6 years since I started @CrossFitCanuck and 3 years since I completed my first Canuck Barbell Class. Lots of lifts, lots
Tag: Split Jerk
Unexpected Win!
Find the drive!!! Thursday (October 1) – Am I in the midst of the Winter Blahs before winter even shows its snowy face? I’m not sure what the issue is,
Mish Mash of Things
My week has looked like this plate… A mish mash of everything Friday (August 28) – Rest days. You need ‘em. Terrible grammar and sentence structure? Yes, but truth comes
When Your Bodywash is Trying to Kill You
Normal Dial Bodywash… Or so you would think Friday (April 10) – So Bruce (you remember Bruce, my coworker who ran his first Half Marathon last year) brought in a
I Do Like Routine
Aftermath Wednesday (March 18) – Twice in a week? Two days back-to-back? Such a thing hasn’t happened for a really long time (too long really), but it’s nice to have