Big Week? Well actually it was a big two weeks… The training this week has been very interesting and not necessarily all good. What a miss mash of
Tag: CrossFit
When Your Training Week Turns Into…
Into a GIANT raging dumpster fire… Well you know how I always seem to take on too much, well it seems I really enjoy a challenge (not the Kettlebell
A Return to the Familiar
Post WOD HAPPY Face Well it has taken a while… Since the surgery to fix my knee and its impact on my CrossFit life, there has been a profound
Lonely Run With a Crazy Face
Should I feel insulted by this guy?? So what does one do with cranky knees, an inability to squat and a marathon to run in little less than eight
How To Survive The Open
Hitting my first Chest to Bar Pull-ups in 2014’s OPEN! It’s that time of the year again. The OPEN is here. Magic happens at the OPEN. How do you approach