So here we are on the last day of my 37th year and what should I do? Well clearly the answer to that is to go to @CrossFitCanuck and get
Tag: Push Press
It’s a Little Cloudy
Today I got steam-rolled. Since the Chest to Bar Pull-ups 2 weeks ago I have been shredded. My shoulder has been aching to the nth degree and it has seriously
Éirinn go Brách
It’s everybody’s favorite green beer holiday. Now some folks have been celebrating since Friday, but I can happily say I wasn’t one of them. With the Open WOD Saturday, I
It’s Here!!
Thursday has actually dawned. The Open is here. Can you believe it? Truth be told I’m still feeling pretty crispy from yesterday’s double and from life in general, but there’s
Nice to Meet You
In the midst of this stay-cation, I’ve been trying to get some training in to make sure that I’m not a total loss when the Open comes calling. Today (Wednesday)