Into a GIANT raging dumpster fire… Well you know how I always seem to take on too much, well it seems I really enjoy a challenge (not the Kettlebell
Tag: Bench Press
Happy Long Weekend
The LONG WEEKEND is HERE!!! Excited much? Just a bit. I got an extra long weekend thanks to some recently discovered unused vacation days and Friday I got to
Getting Close and Being Sophisticated
Being all fancy… Well the moment of truth has finally arrived for my Bench Press. I’ve been working with @Eastbound_Power over the last 14 weeks to try and increase my
Time vs. Distance
Lots of Nights working with these Guys. Congratulations to Gord and Cheryl! Simple enough right? Get to a predetermined distance within a variable window of time in order to achieve
Milestones and Grindstones
Where I spent a solitary Sunday afternoon… Milestones? Well how about a spirited round ‘Happy Anniversary to Me’ (and I wouldn’t say no to drums or Handstands either)? Can you
Trying to Outrun the Rain
Well it’s been a pretty spectacular weekend! First off Poppa Chocolate himself made the trip to the Hill and we had ourselves a little ‘Father and Son’ Sunday. First