It never fails, just when you think you have a #BigBrnzChallenge in the bag, you get sidetracked. Bam! The 31stof August comes you have 433 Russian Twists to do and
Category: Exercise
Biking, running, swimming… Basically anything not CrossFit
Yoga Pants
Is Yoga supposed to hurt the next day? I mean I know I haven’t been training regularly, but c’mon, is it supposed to be tough to complete everyday tasks? Deep
Where Have YOU Been
Hello friends! I know it’s been quiet on the writing front, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a whole lot going on. How did you enjoy the post from Jarrett?
August #BigBrnzChallenge
How did you July #BigBrnzChallenge go? Are those guns bursting out of those sleeves? Have you removed the sleeves because they can no longer contain those biceps? My update (as
The Rugby Project
Let me preface this by stating that the Toronto Wolfpack have successfully re-ignited my passion for the game of rugby in their short two-and-a-half-year existence. So, when I was approached
Running Downhill
There’s nothing that gets the competitive juices flowing like hitting a personal best. It doesn’t have to be by a lot, but it can certainly make it exciting to get out