Crime scene… Monday (December 14) – Home Stretch! 10 days until the Jolly Fat Man makes an appearance, Christmas Vacation and Snow! Right. That white stuff that puts the holiday
Tag: Power Cleans
Getting Mobile
The Supernova of Pain Monday (December 7) – Does anybody remember the other part of getting healthy? Not the eating or the activity (lifting, cycling, running or whatever else you
Pushing on the Down Low
Where you at???? Tuesday (December 1) – It’s been an interesting couple of days. As I slowly get the body back in the habit of lifting and working hard, the
There and Back Again, Kettlebell Edition (Lord of the Rings reference) Saturday (October 3) – Coming off the fresh high of a Squat Clean PR on Thursday, life once again
So, About That Challenge…
1 bar going up (nice pull @arboristriley) and 1 coming down… Tuesday (September 8) – In a time long ago, at a cottage far away, 2 inebriated CrossFitters decide that they