Totally unrelated photo of @missade3, except she has brownies in her shirt… Oh Deadlifts. I Love You. Today, I was not excited to see you. It’s nothing personal, it’s nothing
Tag: Burpees
Mac ‘n’ Bacon
Yes Please So by the time this is posted, the lifting and the competing are done. I wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS to @platformassassins (@DefconRX, @zlreyes, @matt_5577, @jeffortiz and @akaribatman) who
Things Are Getting Back to Normal
Oh the sweet structure of routine. Now before you think that CrossFit is boring or the programming is ‘the same old same old’, give your head a shake and let
Party of Three
How do you like my sweet new shirt? @fitnfresh made this for me, make sure to check out her website for more awesome designs! You know, I almost broke
We Remember
September 11th Memorial It’s been 13 years since that fateful September 11th 2001 when terrorists flew planes into the Twin Towers and The Pentagon. I was still working for Canada
Team WOD and Run
Runner’s High?? IDK?? What a morning. I was in bed early, and slept late, but I still had no desire to get out of bed this morning. For the first