How about this for a Flashback? It’s been 6 years since I started @CrossFitCanuck and 3 years since I completed my first Canuck Barbell Class. Lots of lifts, lots
Challenge Time
IT’S CHALLENGE TIME!!! That’s right kids, as the calendar flips to a new month, my brain flips to a new challenge for you. Last month, complete 1,000 (or 1,500/2,000)
Fluid Motions
What to do when life gives you lemons? Cut them up and use them as a garnish for your vodka and soda. I’m just kidding (sort of) because I’m trying
Rowing Reflections
. So, as I write this post half past some really stupid hour in the morning I am looking back (but not quite a flashback) to a distant time.
Put a Pin In It
Happy Turkey and Oktoberfest!!! Aside from cobbling together a food posting while in transit to SecTOR (a cyber security conference for all the geeks out there), it has been
Week of Food (For Week 38 and 39 of 2018)
So I know I owe you two weeks worth of food updates, sorry about that. It seems that I’m always away from the office on training or conferences this