So, as I write this post half past some really stupid hour in the morning I am looking back (but not quite a flashback) to a distant time. When I started @CrossFitCanuck six years ago (Happy Birthday to Canuck!) A time when I was in a place where I was working hard but not seeing results. I had dropped weight and made my life better, but there was still lots to do and I wasn’t sure how I was going to get there.
Enter CrossFit
By fluke I found CrossFit and the community at Canuck (one of the highlights of my life) and with the patient help of the coaches and specifically @CanuckCoach I started progressing. The weight started falling away and with the fear of salsa lessons (to open up tight hips) my mobility improved. I learned I like lifting weights and pushing my body farther then I ever thought possible. It was a golden era where I had a semblance of youth, good knees and unlimited possibilities.
Rowing Dreams
I discovered the Concept2. The Rower. My combination of height, weight and strength allowed me to do some really cool things. I even beat 4-time Fittest Man on Earth @richfroning off the rower during one of the Open WODs. If only there were pictures of Alain’s face as I pulled between two and three calories per stroke. I was good on the Rower and as my technique improved there were even discussions of entering the World Championships. My 2,000m time was only 20 seconds from being in the top 3.
10,000m Then and Now
I even took on the 10K distance during mid 2013 and while it was a struggle, I was really happy with my time and effort. Camelbak on, facing the open loading bay door, it was bliss. As the years progressed I’ve chronicled the things that have happened to me including a ‘botched’ knee surgery and the dreams of a sub-7 minute 2K were snuffed out long ago. Still I hopped on the Rower a few weeks ago to find some calories for the Lean + Clean Challenge at Canuck and decided to try the 10K distance for fun (although I need to rethink my definition of fun). As I pulled, thoughts of a new PR didn’t even enter the edges of my imagination. I couldn’t fully push, my cardio was poor and I stopped a few times for water and chalk (20 seconds or so). Still as I entered the last 500m, I realized that I had a really good time going and when I finished I had taken 40 SECONDS off my PR time!
What does that mean?
I guess it got me to thinking. We all face a lot of challenges in life. There are times we feel like we can’t do things, for whatever reason. I started rowing that Wednesday, tired, sore, 30lbs heavier and 5 years older then the first time I pulled 10,000. Even with all those things, my body found a way… I found a way. No matter the challenges you face, you just have to keep going. There will always be away as long as you are willing to try just one more time. Perseverance and determination can help you get to your goal, but you must always be willing to try one more time… no matter what.
PS – New 10,000m time 42m35s