What the heck is going on with the #530Crew? I know some of our regulars are currently pregnant, but I was pretty sure I was going solo tonight. Lucky for
Tag: Kettlebell
Goals Reached, Still No Resolutions
254 days ago (just before January 1st), roughly 2 weeks after I signed up for my membership @CrossFitCanuck, Tavia had us write our goals for 2013 on the white board.
Milestones and the One Rule
So today was a down and up kind of day. It started off down because I couldn’t find the will to get out the door this morning and do the
PR Towels and Maximum Overdrive
Thursday is power day according to the training manual. Hal Highdon calls for a strength session plus a run (with an increasing distance every couple of weeks). Now up to
Daily Double and JVD
First off the big news of the day, the first of the Baby Canucks has arrived!! Congratulations to Sue Ann Van Damme and Tavia ‘Jillian’ Ferreira on the arrival of
Gravity, I Defy You…
No before you look for me leaping tall buildings in a single bound, let me clarify this for you. Tonight for the first time in FOREVER (actually, 2 months by