There’s something liberating about fresh beginnings, don’t you think? Since my change in direction in my work life, I’ve been experiencing a ton of learning and new opportunities. The role
Tag: Exercise
The Mental Game of Weight Loss
Up and down, up and down and then maybe up and down again (numbers on the scale). Everything is getting loose and baggy… Wait, did I shrink this in the
Yoga Pants
Is Yoga supposed to hurt the next day? I mean I know I haven’t been training regularly, but c’mon, is it supposed to be tough to complete everyday tasks? Deep
Where Have YOU Been
Hello friends! I know it’s been quiet on the writing front, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a whole lot going on. How did you enjoy the post from Jarrett?
Goodbye Old Friend
There comes a time when you have to say goodbye. No matter all the things you’ve been through, all the things you’ve seen and all the miles you’ve travelled together. The
July #BigBrnzChallenge
Welcome to the hazy, lazy days of summer! How did your June #bigbrnzchallenge go? Did you get your 30kms in before the end? What was your approach? 1km a day?