Mother Nature sure is putting the screws to us with these temperatures and the humidity. I mean seriously. Hot is fine, but when you have the crushing heavy air
InBody Scanning
What is BIA… Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis. How it Works Basically you are electrocuting yourself. No, I’m just kidding. Kinda. The way a BIA scanner works is it
Week of Food (For Week 31 2018)
Food. Oh glorious and (mostly) delicious food. Why must you be so mean? Why does everything that tastes amazing consist of deep fried, bacon, cheesy goodness? Or on the
Fist Bumps and Night Sweats
Geez, it seems like I’ve been gone forever… I needed a bit of a vacation from my vacation it seems. As fun as our trip was, we did squeeze
A Western Journey… A Novel
The two of us at the original Lake Louise (see A Million Shades of Green for the story of the Irish one)… How’s this for an adventure? Running in
Adventures With Ant-Man
Just Me and Paul Hello Boston… So as I sit here on AC7627 waiting to leave (in a very frustrated state thanks to Air Canada’s policy of overbooking flights),