How did your hamstrings survive the February #BigBrnzChallenge? I know that mine were feeling shredded after all those single leg deadlifts. Nothing like building that posterior chain. Those muscles help
Tag: #BigBrnzChallenge
February Checkup
#BigBrnzChallenge check!! We just past the halfway point of the month and the challenge was to complete 1,000 single leg deadlifts (500 for each leg). Have you entered the purgatory
#BigBrnzChallenge February 2020
Happy 2020! Did you enjoy your time off? Well it’s time to shake off the holiday turkey and get back to business. Welcome to the #BigBrnzChallenge for February 2020! Are
The Holiday #BigBrnzChallenge
Let’s recap before we get into the fun of the December… er… Holiday #BigBrnzChallenge. How did you do? 30 days of making breakfast, lunch and dinner. Was it a struggle
#BigBrnzChallenge November
Welcome to Mo-Vember!! How did you do during the October #BigBrnzChallenge? Did you get all 1,000 Lunges? I. Did. Not. I struggled mightily with this challenge and though I had
Month in Review… September Edition
Can you believe that it’s October already? The leaves are getting ready to change color, the weather is getting colder (and wetter) and we have just finished the most painful