Why would I do things that suck? By their very definition they are things that are unpleasant and generally not fun. These are the things that torment us by their
June #BigBrnzChallenge
Woohoo, Summer is here! Are you excited that the days of heat, humidity and frolic are here. Has your enthusiasm died down thinking of that or are you still gung-ho
How To Spend a Weekend
How did you spend your weekend? Simple question right? Maybe not in today’s day and age. There are to-do lists, sporting events, parties and somewhere in there, finding some fitness.
Everybody Needs a Helping Hand
You have to sit back and take stock once in a while to remind yourself of your successes. Most of us don’t do it nearly often enough and we usually
Back to the Triangle
You know that little nagging feeling you get when you are overwhelmed? The twist of the stomach. Anxiety. Everyone gets it, although not everyone talks about it or knows what
Sometimes Slow is Fast
Who is that neon clad masked man slowly jogging the streets of the Hill?? Well it’s certainly not an Olympic athlete, but your regular Joe just trying to squeeze in