So Seriously, when did I turn 100???!!!?
I forgot that CrossFit was challenging and that my body isn’t as young as it used to be. No @keilshammer, this won’t be a long sob story about some injury, but it will serve as a reminder to me that I will still have to modify a bunch of movements as I slowly make my way back to a healthy training program (now that the single focus of running is complete).
First let’s talk about free stuff. I had a giveaway tucked away in post number 1000 offering a $10 Starbucks gift card to anyone who shared the post. There were 2 readers who shared it. Well ladies I put your names into the random name selector and Ms. Karen, you will be receiving an email shortly! Congratulations! Easy peasy…
To the next 1000!
It’s been an interesting couple of weeks. If you read the last post titled ‘The Garmin Experience’, you know that I’ve been having some trouble with my technology. In the next couple of days, there will be an update. Stay tuned. On the workout front, I’ve been trying to figure out what’s next and what type of schedule or routine I can get into and keep. With a work/life balance that seems to be skewed in a work direction, I’m trying to get things leveled out and still find time for everything else.
So far I’ve had a couple of small WODs and a little bit of lifting (see the video). Now even from the hang, things felt ok, but the knee has been pulling a swelling act ever since I stopped regular training runs. I’m not sure if they were flushing the fluid out, but I’m going to try getting a couple in to see what happens. Rowing and the Airdyne’s have also been on the schedule (I rowed a 2000m in 7m27.5s the other day which is 21 seconds slower then my best time).
I’m planning to head out on Turkey Day for a quick run and hopefully while I’m in K-town for the weekend, but it will be dependent on how friggin cold it gets. Happy Turkey to all my American friends and family, enjoy the football, food and family!