Wednesday (Nov 12) – Holy moly Operation
GrandSlam is getting intense! I’m still not ready to reveal the complete state
of the operation, but rest assured it’s big. Sleep has been a bit lacking as a
result, well that and a lovely dinner at the Bistro @ 1 King West with
@SavannahJessie. Sadly my WOD schedule is still in a state of flux, but I am
Rowing and Shadowing on schedule (ish). Are you ready? Well, let’s go!
GrandSlam is getting intense! I’m still not ready to reveal the complete state
of the operation, but rest assured it’s big. Sleep has been a bit lacking as a
result, well that and a lovely dinner at the Bistro @ 1 King West with
@SavannahJessie. Sadly my WOD schedule is still in a state of flux, but I am
Rowing and Shadowing on schedule (ish). Are you ready? Well, let’s go!
BROW (6am)
608m Row
5x100m Sprint
10×30 Calorie Row
30 Calorie Row, a whole lot of times.
Doesn’t sound too bad right? Well, let’s just say it is officially not my
favorite thing right now. On the plus side I managed to have all 10 rounds in
60 seconds or less and covered 3,347m. It wasn’t consistently a calorie for a
pull, but there were sections where it was close.
Doesn’t sound too bad right? Well, let’s just say it is officially not my
favorite thing right now. On the plus side I managed to have all 10 rounds in
60 seconds or less and covered 3,347m. It wasn’t consistently a calorie for a
pull, but there were sections where it was close.
Work Day Goes Here…
50 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 10
***Then Between Rounds
10 Partner Ball Slams
10 Partner Wall Ball Passes
We are getting through Wendler and today we
had Deadlifts and Shoulder Press. Working with @keilshammer and Jay, we did 5
reps every 90 seconds @225lbs for 5 rounds. The weight was light, and we really
focused on good form. Shoulder Press was next and I nailed 5 reps @110lbs for 5
rounds. I took the Pause Back Squats off because the knee was still being a
jerk. Setup for the WOD and got loose.
had Deadlifts and Shoulder Press. Working with @keilshammer and Jay, we did 5
reps every 90 seconds @225lbs for 5 rounds. The weight was light, and we really
focused on good form. Shoulder Press was next and I nailed 5 reps @110lbs for 5
rounds. I took the Pause Back Squats off because the knee was still being a
jerk. Setup for the WOD and got loose.
0-4 minutes
50 DUs
15 Clean & Jerk (@115lbs)
9 HSPU (Box)
4-8 minutes
40 DUs
12 Clean & Jerk (@135lbs)
8-12 minutes
30 DUs
9 Clean & Jerk (@155lbs)
I was looking forward to working on my DUs, but I was struggling with
the Rope. When I moved to the Clean & Jerk, my knee exploded. No pops, but I
had trouble bending it without discomfort and as soon as I loaded weight onto
it, it wasn’t working. Midway through the Clean & Jerk I tried to protect
my knee and landed poorly (tweaking my ankle). I called it right here. The
chance for injury was too great.
the Rope. When I moved to the Clean & Jerk, my knee exploded. No pops, but I
had trouble bending it without discomfort and as soon as I loaded weight onto
it, it wasn’t working. Midway through the Clean & Jerk I tried to protect
my knee and landed poorly (tweaking my ankle). I called it right here. The
chance for injury was too great.
Big things were still on deck though.
Shadowing started right away and I watched as Tavia worked the Fundamentals
Class through the day. Then 730p rolled around and Tavia gave me the
opportunity to lead the warm-up. SQUEE! I was nervous (a bit), but I was very
excited to lead the class. I think I managed to get the movements across in a
manner that was clear, but as always, there is still work to do.
Shadowing started right away and I watched as Tavia worked the Fundamentals
Class through the day. Then 730p rolled around and Tavia gave me the
opportunity to lead the warm-up. SQUEE! I was nervous (a bit), but I was very
excited to lead the class. I think I managed to get the movements across in a
manner that was clear, but as always, there is still work to do.
Stay Tuned!