Well I’m not sure how smart this plan was, 3 days in a row with 1 rest day before a 75km ride. Originally I was planning on taking tonight off
Tag: DUs
That’s right kids, I freaking did it. Did what you ask? Couldn’t you hear me screaming in triumph from @CrossFitCanuck? Today, on this 15th of May, Beez linked Double Unders.
Well That Sucked
I bet you thought this was going to be another post lamenting the loss of the Toronto Maple Leafs last night in game 7. As gut wrenching it is to
Damn Doubles
As bad as the ‘Double Days’ sound, they are actually really fun (yikes, I’m starting to sound like Tavia). You get a workout in the morning which jumpstarts your day
No One Said This Would Be Easy
I guess that goes for anything in life, but just once I would be ok with easy. Now before you panic, this is just a blip on the path and
It Doesn’t Have to be Fun to be Fun!
You know it’s going to be a tough day at the office when Tavia says that. I’m not even 100% sure what that means, but whoa baby that was a