The two of us at the original Lake Louise (see A Million Shades of Green for the story of the Irish one)… How’s this for an adventure? Running in
Category: Exercise
Biking, running, swimming… Basically anything not CrossFit
Adventures With Ant-Man
Just Me and Paul Hello Boston… So as I sit here on AC7627 waiting to leave (in a very frustrated state thanks to Air Canada’s policy of overbooking flights),
When Little Dogs Attack
So that’s never happened to me before on a run… Jogging around the Hill, trying to figure out if I will ever get my legs back and I nearly
Question For You
Could it be?? The Death Star!!! Who Likes Star Wars? (*waves hands enthusiastically) Who Likes Shiny Star Wars Stuff (*hands still waving) Who Likes Running? (*hands slowly fall) Who
Goodbye Nike+ We Hardly Knew You
Why won’t this stupid app log me in (says a frustrated @bigbrnz late one evening in the tail end of May)???? Staring at my iPhone X while trying to