(Mar 14, 8:47pm) – Welcome to episode four! If you missed last weeks’, there were lots of big thoughts about my future participation in the CrossFit Open. The realization that the sun has set on this chapter and will rise tomorrow, shedding light on something new. To be clear, I’m not sure what that is yet, but eventually I will figure it out. Still, I’m going to finish this Open in style and while I don’t stream the announcements anymore (they seem to have lost something without @thedavecastro) I was still less than pleased to see that Muscle Ups have finally made their appearance. Snatches, Burpees and the aforementioned MUs in a 12-minute burner… Yay!
(Mar 16, 9:20am) – So when I arrived @CrossFitCanuck I still hadn’t decided if I would complete this one at RX or if I would be scaling. My left shoulder had been acting up and I don’t have MUs in my toolbox (yet), but would today be the day? Do I go RX and stare at the bar? Scale and get the Pull-ups? When I got in, the board decided for me (rightly) and I started getting loose. 10 Snatches @95lbs and 12 Burpees for 3 rounds, 3 minutes rest and then 3 rounds of 10 Bar Muscle Ups and 12 Burpees. I went as fast as I could and the Burpees felt OK (said I for the first time ever), but the range of motion (pulling from the floor) for the Snatches was tough. 66 Reps in 7 minutes 38 seconds. I came at the BMUs with just under 90 seconds left and though I attempted them, the result was the same… Zero.

(Mar 17, 7:40pm) – The sun is setting on green beer day and I haven’t had a single one yet (travesty, I know). My body feels good after yesterday… well most of it does. My shoulder is still super stiff, but the knees feel really good. I’ve had time to reflect on the day and I am pretty happy that I managed to complete the workout at RX even though I got a big fat goose egg for the MUs. Magic happens at the Open, not for me this time, but for a whole bunch of Canucks that hit firsts. It was exciting to watch and be a part of.
As I finish this post, I will ask you… “What will 19.5 be”? I’m calling either the Sandwich (40 Deadlifts, 40 S2O and 40 Deadlifts) or DT (5 Rounds of Deadlifts, Hang Power Cleans and Jerks).