Gold-Medal Hockey Mimosas!
I’m finding it hard to get my thoughts down today for a
number of reasons. First, the Open is really close now. 3 sleeps until the announcement.
Second is that I’m starting to worry about my recovery again. If you’ve been
following for a while, you know there was a period where I just couldn’t bounce
back. For some reason this seems to be starting again and I’m not sure why
(well my diet is a part of it). My hips are still tight from the snowboard fall
(Dr. Spin says its muscle related) and I may have gone a little too hard on DT.
Finally, Harold Ramis (Dr. Egon Spengler in my all-time favorite movie,
Ghostbusters) passed away today and the world will be a have a little less
laughter because of it.
number of reasons. First, the Open is really close now. 3 sleeps until the announcement.
Second is that I’m starting to worry about my recovery again. If you’ve been
following for a while, you know there was a period where I just couldn’t bounce
back. For some reason this seems to be starting again and I’m not sure why
(well my diet is a part of it). My hips are still tight from the snowboard fall
(Dr. Spin says its muscle related) and I may have gone a little too hard on DT.
Finally, Harold Ramis (Dr. Egon Spengler in my all-time favorite movie,
Ghostbusters) passed away today and the world will be a have a little less
laughter because of it.
500m Row
Pectoralis Major Activation
Back Squats! I was working with @keilshammer for today’s
strength portion and I was not doing well. We started warming up and I hit
135lbs ok, but we plated up and that was it. I walked out with 225lbs and
promptly re-racked. My back tightened up and all I saw was injury. Tapped the
head, I will take a pass. I started warming up for the conditioning portion
because we were looking for a hard and fast one today.
strength portion and I was not doing well. We started warming up and I hit
135lbs ok, but we plated up and that was it. I walked out with 225lbs and
promptly re-racked. My back tightened up and all I saw was injury. Tapped the
head, I will take a pass. I started warming up for the conditioning portion
because we were looking for a hard and fast one today.
10 minute running clock
15 – 12 – 9 Reps of
Power Snatch (@115lbs)
Knees to Elbows
With remaining time
Burpee Box Jumps (24” Box)
Well intensity achieved. Holy. 8m15s to finish the first
component tonight and then I was able to get 12 Burpee Box Jumps. I’m not sure
where my cardio endurance went, but it can come back at any point before
Saturday. Sucking wind would be an understatement. Yet I still had power, just
no air. Strange combination. As we start competing this week, I’m going to try
and drive for the finish line. I’ve been
slacking in my diet and my intensity. Time to get my butt in gear.
component tonight and then I was able to get 12 Burpee Box Jumps. I’m not sure
where my cardio endurance went, but it can come back at any point before
Saturday. Sucking wind would be an understatement. Yet I still had power, just
no air. Strange combination. As we start competing this week, I’m going to try
and drive for the finish line. I’ve been
slacking in my diet and my intensity. Time to get my butt in gear.
1000m Row
It was a nice easy Row to finish and with a full class
following the #530Crew and the Open, it was just a stretching BWOD.
following the #530Crew and the Open, it was just a stretching BWOD.
Glute Stretch
Glute Stretch
Hip Stretch
Back Stretch
Ankle Mobility (Plate)
Knee to Wall
Let’s hope that I can get this on track.