But I had to take a strange and spooky path to get there… Who would have thought that finding the ‘Falls’ would have been such a challenge. Now, not to
Month in Review… September Edition
Can you believe that it’s October already? The leaves are getting ready to change color, the weather is getting colder (and wetter) and we have just finished the most painful
#BigBrnzChallenge October
THREE HUNDRED BURPEES The September #BigBrnzChallenge was not pretty. It certainly wasn’t at the top of the list for fun activities, but I will tell you what, I got through
I’m a Capitol Man
I love to go new places. I even love going places I’ve been before to hopefully find something new. Recently I have especially loved to travel and workout (or Run).
Swim Bike Combo
Remember how way back when I said that I needed to add more swimming to my regime to change things up? Well I’ve been in the water, just not as
Still My Kind of Town
There’s something liberating about fresh beginnings, don’t you think? Since my change in direction in my work life, I’ve been experiencing a ton of learning and new opportunities. The role