How did you spend your weekend? Simple question right? Maybe not in today’s day and age. There are to-do lists, sporting events, parties and somewhere in there, finding some fitness. The days of the two-day Netflix binges are few and far between. There are so many demands on our time, it can be difficult to squeeze everything in. Still, there are easy ways to get outside, get moving and get some activity.
The What
There are lots of things you can do that don’t require hours and hours. Go for a Hike. Call a friend to join you for a Run or Ride, or head to the gym for a class or some Yoga. Things like a Half/Full Marathon will take slightly longer, but they can still be managed if you are motivated. See, there’s lots of things to do and the weekend is the perfect time to do them. You just have to get two feet on the floor and get moving. Now logistics could come into play if you have to travel any distance, but whats better than doing a regular old activity in a new place? Thrilling right??!?! Whether you Run, Walk, Hike, Cycle, Weightlift or CrossFit, the skies the limit.
Things We Got Up To
This weekend involved a trip to Ancaster and a Run with ‘Uncle Divit’ (not his real name). By the time we had gone out and back, less than an hour had passed. We even squeezed in time for a cold pool plunge (in the 62 degree range). That’s a solid example of a ‘normal’ 5KM Run for me, an hour all in. That’s the time to find all my ‘stuff’, get out, get back and do a little stretching. Add another ten minutes if you want to tack on a shower. On the May long weekend @savannahjessie, @rorofrommexico and I got out for a hike (5KM) in under two hours (that included drive time to the trail). Oh, and @rorofrommexico stopping to sniff and/or pee on everything.
The When
Honestly, whatever time you can is really the right answer. For myself, I seem to gravitate to early in the morning or late at night. Not sure how that came to be, but they just seem to be times that work. Cycling especially takes place early as there are less people on the road. The correct answer though, is anytime. Most activities will take you less than an hour (unless you are doing that Marathon thing). Once the hurdle of getting out the door is passed, the world is your oyster. This weekend because of scheduling we got out the door late, which meant our Run was hot and humid. You just alter your pace to accommodate and then plunge into the cold pool when you get back to level of your temperature.

How’s your May #BigBrnzChallenge going? You only have a few days left to get your 10, 30-minute Outdoor Activities completed before June is here. Don’t run out of time! I have two sessions left and four days to get them so I am feeling pretty confident right now. Is anyone joining me on the steps challenge? This weekend proved what a motivator it could be as I went for a walk after dinner and one after the @Raptors game to ensure that I got my 10,000 for the day on the way to 60 straight days. You will also be seeing changes here on (lots already) as the website evolves. Be sure to stay in the know for the cool things that are coming by entering your email to sign up for my newsletter. You will get Recipes, updates and lots of extra content!