In Progress…
Sunday (November 29) – After a little
Christmas preparation at the ol’ Casa and a trip to the Big K Christmas party,
@savannahjessie sent me on my way Sunday morning for my first ever weekend
weightlifting class. It was an abbreviated session, mostly because I didn’t
realize that Sunday’s were 2 hours and not the regular 1. Still, I learned some
new things and had a moderately successful day banging the plates.
Christmas preparation at the ol’ Casa and a trip to the Big K Christmas party,
@savannahjessie sent me on my way Sunday morning for my first ever weekend
weightlifting class. It was an abbreviated session, mostly because I didn’t
realize that Sunday’s were 2 hours and not the regular 1. Still, I learned some
new things and had a moderately successful day banging the plates.
2 Rounds
150m Row (all arms)
150m Row (full)
Broad Jumps to Squats
Inch Worms to Russian Baby Makers
We learned a new technique that was
designed to help you keep the bar close. It was pretty neat since I’ve never
tried anything like that before. With a green band wrapped about the rig we
work through the 3-position Snatch. I could feel my lats working to keep the
bar close, maybe for the first time.
designed to help you keep the bar close. It was pretty neat since I’ve never
tried anything like that before. With a green band wrapped about the rig we
work through the 3-position Snatch. I could feel my lats working to keep the
bar close, maybe for the first time.
Drop Snatch
4×4 @75lbs
20 minutes to find
1RM Snatch
I had a lot of trouble controlling the bar in
the Drop Snatch with an arm position in the rear plane, but I fought for it. Still
I gave the Snatch a go and was pleasantly surprised by how the bar was moving.
Maybe I was channeling some of @akaribatman and his long lost orange ‘PR’
towel, but I worked up and got 64KG up and just missed 66KG over the back. Still
at 141.1lbs it was a nice little Sunday PR for me.
the Drop Snatch with an arm position in the rear plane, but I fought for it. Still
I gave the Snatch a go and was pleasantly surprised by how the bar was moving.
Maybe I was channeling some of @akaribatman and his long lost orange ‘PR’
towel, but I worked up and got 64KG up and just missed 66KG over the back. Still
at 141.1lbs it was a nice little Sunday PR for me.