Major M-E-L-T-D-O-W-N Before The Candy

Artist’s Rendition of Events
Friday (Oct 31) – Happy Halloween to all
those little (and some bigger ones) ankle biters that invade the neighborhoods
to collect reams of sugary goodness. There are times when I wish that life was
still that simple. Halloween is also the birthday of one of my good friends
(Mr. Pauly). I hope that the ladies in your life spoiled you on this
spooktastic non-holiday holiday. This will be concluding the warm and fuzzy
section of today’s little editorial. What a disaster today turned into. I
understand that there are times when I should be ‘slowing’ down and just
relaxing, but that just isn’t how I’m wired. 
There was a list of things that needed to be done and in my brain that
all there is to it. Get up. Get them done.
I should have realized that my body was
screaming for me to stop when I got on the treadmill to try and get to 80KMs
for the #hisnhers challenge. It was ugly. Not just the running style, but just
an ugly feeling all around. My hips hurt, I couldn’t get up to a constant speed
and even worse, I couldn’t seem to maintain it once I did finally work my way
there. 8.11KM in 1h04m56s at a pace of 8m01s/KM. Those numbers just don’t make
you feel good. My heart rate was at an average of 92BPM and went up to a max of
164BPM. The Garmin says that I burned 859 calories (the treadmill said over
1000), so I guess there is a small glimmer of sunshine.
Insert Regular Work Day Here…
Don’t worry, you didn’t miss anything
exciting here today (just regular #ITProblems). I did finally get the remaining
2 iPhone6’s in so at least that was a positive. @SavannahJessie and I made a
trip to @CrossFitCanuck for me to Row and for her to WOD. Friday’s are normally
my rest day, but I’m behind in Row Training. I made it through the normal
warm-up fine and I even beat my 100m sprint record twice on the last 2 rounds.
16.8s to hit 100m out of the gate (woohoo!). I started into my 3x1000m Rows
(with 3 minutes rest in between) and everything was moving along as per spec
(see what I did there? A little bit of IT Speak). In fact I was on pace for a
3m00s 1000m which would have been a PR by 30 seconds. Suddenly I couldn’t get a
full breath. OK, no worries, pull back on the pace. Nope, still can’t breathe. Fine,
slow way down. OK, now I’m starting to panic. Bail off the rower and just try
and fill my lungs. Better. Get up and stumble outside into the cold and rain (I
only stumbled into the cold). In through the nose, out through the mouth. Be
calm. Better. Thanks @SarahBassels for helping me stay calm and breathe.
Row = Done
My body made an emphatic statement and I will
listen. I’m going to call the last 2 sessions of week 2 a wash and schedule my
Rows for mornings starting Monday. More rest and hopefully better success. Taking
the whole weekend off from WODs, Rows, Runs or anything that isn’t putting the
winter tires on the Red Rocket and getting her ready for winter. 
Here’s hoping you got lots of candy,


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2 Thoughts to “Major M-E-L-T-D-O-W-N Before The Candy”

  1. Hey buddy. A thought to help your screaming body: when you create your schedule, start with your rest first. Make sure there is enough space between workouts then you can tell yourself "hey, I'll feel better during this workout because I'm well rested." Sometimes those mental games help you nail the physical.
    PS you're a really amazing artist. 😉

    1. Thanks Hoodie! Rest is the key and now that I'm not trying to play catch-up I think it should be much better. When are you visiting for an away WOD?

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