Maintenance. Stretching. Mobility. Whatever you want to call it, we (collectively) do not do enough of it. We don’t take the time to take care of our bodies (and minds). Prior to 2012, you would never have heard me say that stretching and mobility were key components of body health. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to realize that you have to do the ‘little things’ to ensure that your body is able to function at high level at, wait for it, a HIGH LEVEL. I don’t necessarily mean competition, I mean at whatever HIGH LEVEL means in your life.
No full transparency. I don’t stretch enough. I’m making a conscious effort to incorporate a stretch period after I workout. Now I am still having trouble hitting it all the time, but I am working towards it. I’ve started using the Nike Training app which has a stretching section as well as doing some work with @_sry.im.late_. The time spent here, will make training easier. It will make life in general easier, but it is an investment. I’m always looking around for something new. Stretches that will come in handy and that I can add to my classes when required. It doesn’t take a lot of time and it’s something you can do almost anywhere.
This section is thanks to @savannahjessie. She was doing an energy exchange with Saana Yoga Thornhill and as a byproduct, I attended a few Yin classes. What is Yin? It is a slower pace Yoga class where the stretches are held for an extended period of time. Nothing crazy. No expert level poses. Just good long stretches. They even provided a musician. An acoustic set to help maintain a sense of calm. Normally this wouldn’t have been something that I would have gone to, but after having attended I did thoroughly enjoy it and find value. An often forgotten component of the stretching/maintenance component is the maintenance of the mind, make sure to explore all of your options.
Finally, I’ve been working with @energytreeanne to help find some calm in a very crazy life. We originally started seeing her because her specialty is Fertility Acupuncture, but I have since been getting treatment for anxiety, digestion, energy and stress. Apparently those people that have a high level of stress in their lives actually live longer. Amazing right? Well as someone who is usually running at 97 out of 100 on the stress scale, she has been helping bring me back down to the realm of 50-60. She is a fountain of knowledge for supplements and health tips as well and I always look forward to appointments.
So this post is not your ‘normal’ I lifted this. I ran this. I decided to do this big crazy thing. I’ve talked about things that I’ve tried to try and nourish the body and the mind. Being healthy isn’t always about running farther and faster. Or lifting more. Outside of a small number of people, we just aren’t spending enough time on taking care of the body and mind so I am making a conscious effort and encouraging you to as well. Take a few minutes a day, every day. Take care of the body and nourish the mind.