Who says that running outside has to stop once the leaves start to change color? It’s no secret that it’s been tough getting out this year, but after a head-to-head with @savannahjessie, I am going to push all distractions aside and focus on me. So with two feet on the floor, it was get dressed and get out the door (hey, I’m a poet and didn’t know it!). This is all going to be preparation for 2019’s Star Wars Virtual Half Marathon (Feel The Force).
The Stats
Today’s run covered 5.13KMs in 36m27s with an average pace of 7m07s/KM. The first two miles were only a second apart in time (11m37s vs 11m38s) and then the pace got picked up to 11m22s in mile three. Garmin says that I burned 731 calories and that my L/R balance was 50.7%/49.3% and that I had an average heart rate of 162BPM. This is elevated a bit, but still within my zone 4. The only negative was that my VO2 Max dropped from 39 to 38 (volume of oxygen you can consume per minute, per kilogram of bodyweight… higher in better).

The Feels
Since this was the first morning out (in a while) it was hard to get out of bed, but once we got moving it was good. @Savannahjessie was taking @rorofrommexico out as well so it was family run morning. As I got moving, the pace was good, but it felt fast and I was worried about getting gassed. Still after the first two miles were almost identical I felt better about things except my balance. It was weird, but I felt that I was skewed heavily to the left, but the numbers don’t show it. I will see what Ian has to say on the matter. It was almost the perfect temperature out too and even in shorts it was very comfortable.

Hopefully you guys have a great rest of your Sunday. I’m going to try and catch up on some writing and work on the November Challenge. Speaking of the Challenge, how is yours going? 3,000 Air Squats in the month. That’s an average of 100 a day so if you are a bit behind, get to Squatting so you don’t get behind!
Good Luck!