The tail end of this week has been a bit of a rough
one. I’m a little frazzled (in many ways
and I should be studying for the 2 Microsoft exams I have to write before July)
and as a result, preparation and planning have gone right out the window. Well, Thursday and Friday they did. I even
felt the need for a major run in with a bottle of Forty Creek Copper Pot (which
is excellent by the way), but managed to dodge that in the nick of time. Woke
up ate a not very good for me breakfast and headed for the Saturday WOD
one. I’m a little frazzled (in many ways
and I should be studying for the 2 Microsoft exams I have to write before July)
and as a result, preparation and planning have gone right out the window. Well, Thursday and Friday they did. I even
felt the need for a major run in with a bottle of Forty Creek Copper Pot (which
is excellent by the way), but managed to dodge that in the nick of time. Woke
up ate a not very good for me breakfast and headed for the Saturday WOD
1 minute Skipping
5 Ball Slams
10 Wall Balls
1 minute Jumping Jacks (which seemed to take forever)
5 (per arm) Kettlebell OHS (@35lbs)
10 Kettlebell Goblet Squats (@35lbs)
1 minute Row for Calories
1 minute Skipping
5 Ball Slams
10 Wall Balls
1 minute Jumping Jacks (which seemed to take forever)
5 (per arm) Kettlebell OHS (@35lbs)
10 Kettlebell Goblet Squats (@35lbs)
1 minute Row for Calories
Since everyone was there nice and early and got warm, we got
to the “fun” part of the day really quickly.
Today’s skill would be finding our 3 rep max (Touch and go) Squat Clean
Thrusters. I was in trouble straight out of the gate. I warmed up with a
training bar before we started to try and get my hips used to opening and
closing with weight overhead, but when we started I had other problems. Every time I tried to come out of the Squat to
the Thruster, I was hit by a wave of dizziness. I tried to take it easy, but it
didn’t get any better and I maxed out short of my goal finishing with a lift of
to the “fun” part of the day really quickly.
Today’s skill would be finding our 3 rep max (Touch and go) Squat Clean
Thrusters. I was in trouble straight out of the gate. I warmed up with a
training bar before we started to try and get my hips used to opening and
closing with weight overhead, but when we started I had other problems. Every time I tried to come out of the Squat to
the Thruster, I was hit by a wave of dizziness. I tried to take it easy, but it
didn’t get any better and I maxed out short of my goal finishing with a lift of
3 minute AMRAP
5 Pull-ups
5 Knees to Elbows
3 minute AMRAP
5 Pull-ups
5 Knees to Elbows
Kelly “ish”
5 Rounds for Time
500m Row
30 Box Jumps (3x45lb Plates)
30 Wallballs (@20lbs)
5 Rounds for Time
500m Row
30 Box Jumps (3x45lb Plates)
30 Wallballs (@20lbs)
Did you notice the difference in today’s WOD? No? Look
closely. There are no step-ups for me; Tavia wanted me to start jumping. I guess the training wheels had to come off
at some point. I finished 3 rounds in a time of 25m27s, but me time was slow
(and I was mad), because I was still fighting to keep the world the right way
up. It wasn’t the intensity of the
workout, but I don’t know what the issue was.
I was actually having a good time working through it and I loved the 1m50s
Rows that I was stringing together.
closely. There are no step-ups for me; Tavia wanted me to start jumping. I guess the training wheels had to come off
at some point. I finished 3 rounds in a time of 25m27s, but me time was slow
(and I was mad), because I was still fighting to keep the world the right way
up. It wasn’t the intensity of the
workout, but I don’t know what the issue was.
I was actually having a good time working through it and I loved the 1m50s
Rows that I was stringing together.
I didn’t do any of my extra workouts today (at one point I was
concerned how I was going to be able to drive) and we had no cash-out. Let’s hope this dizziness Bull$hit is short
lived, I have enough issues already.
concerned how I was going to be able to drive) and we had no cash-out. Let’s hope this dizziness Bull$hit is short
lived, I have enough issues already.
Big CONGRATULATIONS to @germantitov for nailing his first of
many Muscle-ups after class (pictured below).
many Muscle-ups after class (pictured below).