Full House & We’re Not Talking Cards

What a glorious morning!! Well it was till I sat up.
Everything is still tender, but thanks to the advice from @Wardy_ about
elevating the leg, that issue has decreased by 20%.  If only my back would figure itself out
everything would be alright. First up let’s talk food. I have reduced my diary
intake by about 95% and my gluten/grain by 80% (ish) and while it has been
tough (I do love me some cheese), I have been feeling really sharp and focused.
Yesterday was tough though because I was craving a burger. We hit Five Guys and
I caved, but didn’t have cheese (did I just say that) and we split a small
fries between 3 people (holy progress). When I got home, I warmed up some
cheese tortellini, and as soon as I ate it my belly started rumbling (never
noticed that before). Maybe there is something to a paleo lifestyle…

Here’s where the full house comes into play because today’s
class had 14 people in it.  Wowza!! It
was all cool though because we had Grace and the Australian Hero to do so we
could work in waves. There were no buy-ins or cash-outs today and it wasn’t
long before we got down to business (but like a good student I came in early to
stretch and roll out the aches and pains).

400m Row
10 Wall Balls (@16lbs)
10 Kettlebell Swings (@35lbs)
10 Wall Balls (@16lbs)
10 Pushups
10 Wall Balls (@16lbs)
10 Pull-ups (Which were crazy good today)

Lots of stretching with the PVC to get started because these
WODs were going to be tough.  We split up
into 2 groups, got our equipment and stations ready and got ready for the
work.  Australian Hero and then Grace for
me (and Aussie had some running outside… great…).

Australian Hero
3 Rounds for Time
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings (@35lbs)
15 Knees to Elbows

I ran as hard as I could, but my cardio still needs some
work.  It wasn’t the limiting factor,
knees to bar was, but everything strung together was pretty sweet. I have to
work harder on the knees to bar, but my form has improved 1,000% from when I started.  Finish time 14m05s.  We rested for 5 minutes and then it was off
to Grace.

30 Clean and Jerks (@95lbs)

I was seriously cooked after the first WOD and tried to lift
at 115, but I knew that I wouldn’t be able to get 30. Better to lift lighter
and keep really good form (and thus avoid injury). It was tough going back to
back like this, but the challenge is amazing and the coaches and Canucks
screaming encouragement helps you pick up that bar just one more time (a lot
more times). Finished Grace in a time of 6m19s, but my new goal is to get to RX
to complete it.

I still had energy left (and homework) after a small rest so
it was off to stretch and hit the GHD machine for the first time in forever. 2
sets of 20 reps, but not full out.  Slow
and steady so that I didn’t but any unnecessary stress on my back. Finally, off
to the Rope. I have the hang part and with the help of Tom and Tavia, I’m working
on my footwork and locking the Rope in. It must be just me, but the Rope across
the shin with all my weight is not a pleasant feeling, but I can hear the suck
it up comments already. My original goal was September, Tavia thinks before
March and if the progress keeps going, it might be February.  A big CONGRATS to @Wardy_ who climbed the
Rope twice today (her first times).


My very own sweat angel…

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