…and Perfect!

After all the weekend activities Beez is some kind of tired.  The body is sore and 15 hours of sleep would not be a bad thing for me at all. Woke up this morning (and was very happy I showered last night so I could sleep the extra time this morning) and very slowly got myself moving.  It was a very painful process.

After a full day it was time to get into shorts and head to Highgate for this week’s game (we actually play two, but I have my Men’s League the same night) and hope the whole way that we didn’t have that a$$clown from last week.  Good news, we didn’t.  Bad news, we had a full deck of guys so there was going to be lots of sitting tonight.
The team we played were actually a pretty good group, but overall not very good.  They tried hard and were pleasant so that made up for a lot.  We actually played a really good game too, no throwing the ball around and aside from some pretty tough sliding/diving catches that we didn’t get, we played a really solid game all around.
As for yours truly, I was 3-for-3 with a double and two singles to go along with a run scored and three RBIs. It may have been one of my top 10 offensive games in this league. That’s still not saying a lot because I just seem to be missing the ball, under it, over it, but not on the money (plus side, I haven’t hit a pitcher). Defensively I was average, bobbled one and missed one down the line that I might have got if I laid out.
I ran hard, but I can feel the ankles on the edge of being a problem.  I’m happy with the riding this weekend, but I need to get on the running…

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