Wow, the body is not having itself a good day. And since this post is coming 5 days after the fact, I can tell you that the body is not feeling very well at all. The ankles (both of them) have been very inflamed. Legs tight, hips tight and generally a feeling of not being in very good condition.
Played a little MMM ball on Wednesday night this week at another BRUTAL diamond and holy crap was it tough to get loose. Warming up the arm and shoulder took almost 20 minutes and it was excruciating. I should have known the way things were going that it was not going to be a good game. When the other team finally showed up, their captain spent 15 minutes chewing out the umpire (she was generally a not very friendly person).
Game on! We held tough for a couple of innings but they were actually a deep hitting team and we were short a rover. They just kept dropping it in where we couldn’t cover. We made it close and ended up getting our last out on a gun from the fence in center field to 3B where we caught a foolish runner trying to run on Mark’s cannon.
Overall I was 1-for-4 with a run scored (although I almost died, came around third and there was 5 feet between the baseline and the fence. I almost ended up getting cheese grated) and an RBI. But I just missed on 2 of those three put outs, got under them instead of driving them as I had intended.
Let see if we can get this training thing on the rails,
Ps – Congrats to Naveen, or should I say Dr. J. on the completion of his PhD.