Hot Fuzz Thursdays


Well Ladies and Gents, that’s the name of the movie de jour. If you haven’t seen Hot Fuzz (from the guys that brought you Shaun of the Dead and Mr. Scott from the New Star Trek) is an absolutely hilarious movie.

While punching the ticket on session number 4 of this week I find myself in a bit of a conundrum. Tomorrow is or should be a weigh in day, but I find myself not wanting to go to the gym and staying in to spin. It’s silly, but I am actually liking this whole working our at home thing, but I have a feeling a ramp up may be needed to get to where I want to be. The question now becomes is the ramp a gym ramp or a P90X ramp?

The spins are getting, well I won’t say easier (because that’s when the wheels fall off), but more enjoyable? Less stressful? Insert something with in the form of a question? I have a status check with Dr. O. on Sunday and I do have a feeling that the workout will change at that point.

Headed into the weekend and believe me, I cannot wait for this week to end… With the birthday party festivities Saturday night (yikes) along with football in Brantford, this is going to be a hectic weekend.


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