Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?!??!
Good morning blog followers, sorry for the missing posts, but it has been a pretty busy weekend so far (it’s Sunday morning now)…
There was no posting yesterday, because there was no P90X’n yesterday. Why you ask? Well the Honeywell Diamond Dawgs participated in an all day slo-pitch tournament. Starting at 8:30 am and ending at 7:30 pm we played five games winning the B Division Championship. Congrats to my teammates who all played really well (although we did have some issues early in the tourney).
So after that exciting day there was no need to P90X and having just greeted Sunday morning with a warm smile, a small groan and an extended middle finger, there won’t be any today. The body is a lot sore just about everywhere. Shoulders, hips and of course my extra special ankles are all voicing there displeasure. I’m actually shocked that I didn’t find another note taped to the bathroom mirror.
So today will consist of taking it easy and watching football all day with some of my friends. I highly recommend it, because it’s a great way to spend a Sunday. P90X will begin again tomorrow. I don’t think this will have an overall negative effect (taking days off if there are other activities going on) as it provides a little variety. The only drawback is the end date of the program gets extended a little bit.
Talk to you tomorrow,