Why the radio silence as we enter 2019? Well there a black and blue reason and I will elaborate on it shortly. First, how was your New Year’s Eve? Did you ring it in with fireworks, champagne and a raucous party or did you turn off the lights at 10pm and call it a night? We spent the evening with friends enjoying libations and good company to ring in the 2019. I even managed to make it to past midnight (shocking right?!?!?).

Good Morning Run
When the alarm went off at stupid early o’clock it did take a little bit of extra effort to roll out of bed. I had planned a route, but I didn’t take into account two things. First that the City of Oakville may close portions of the trail due to winter and that it had been raining for a solid 24 hours. Closed trail? No problem, hop the rail, carefully trot down the stairs and get started. The second was a little more challenging… Like wet shoes and socks for the remainder of the run.
It wasn’t a great way to start, but that and one wrong turn aside it felt really good to get out and even better to be on the trail. I covered just over 2.02 miles in a little over 27m22s (31m04s elapsed time), which worked out to a 13m34s mile. Not fast, but given that it was sloppy out of the gate I was pretty happy. I climbed 69ft of elevation and Garmin says that I burned 507 calories. I got to see some swans, checked out some crazy big houses and a really nice neighborhood… Fun times.
Socks and Gravity
SO why would I be excited by a run that had a pace almost 2 minutes per mile slower than my normal? Well you will hear a lots of off color jokes about Carpet or Hardwood, but this isn’t that kind of story. Sort of. I was heading down my front steps (which are hardwood) in socks when my feet went out from under me and I went airborne… Spectacularly. I wish I had it on video because it must have looked impressive. End result, the bruise (pictured), sore ribs, bruised forearm and an off kilter stride for the better part of a week. PSA here… be careful where you step.
The Challenge
How is your Challenge going? You remember… 30 minutes of Activity every day for the month of January. What constitutes Activity? Anything you want it to be as long as it’s something you add to your schedule. Walk the dog. Go for a Run. Do a CrossFit class, anything you want as long as you get the work done. Miss a day? No worries. Try and hit 30 of 31 days. Just work as hard as you can to create a habit of health. It’s a New Year and while anytime is a great time to make a Life Change, why not start while the calendar reads 01/2019?
Get to Work and Happy New Year!!