It seems like the shiny joy and excitement of food tracking has dulled a bit as the week came to a close. That’s not totally unexpected, because in order to be successful, it needs to be a habit. It’s not quite there yet (and not automatic), but I am still tracking and trying to make smart decisions. That’s the key at the end of the day, creating a behavioral change when it comes to food and eating. As I dive into the week below, there were wins, loses and the occasional draw…
Preparation is the key to success and for some reason, I just don’t feel like I did very well this week. I didn’t have a real plan set up and my schedule caused some less than ideal choices. Still I had a solid week with @paleoethics Super Greens and bulletproof coffee every morning. After that, there was a day with Honey Nut Cheerios and Almond Milk (a draw) and Jamaican Beef Patties (also a draw). Now you might say the patty is a fail, but with 41C 9F 13P it’s really not an altogether terrible choice if you are pressed. I also finished my supply of Liberte Yogurt this week (12C 0F 8P) and even though the numbers are good, dairy is going out of the diet (except for cheese… that’s not dairy, it’s delicious).
This week’s lunches were a literal hodgepodge. We had pulled chicken, PC Blue Menu Italian Meatballs and Costco Chicken Salad. For the veg, there was mashed cauliflower, roasted cauliflower and peppers and a Caesar salad. I even scored a big win here while out for lunch. Instead of ordering my go to at Jack Astors (Chicken Fingers, Sauced 58C 77F 64P), I went with grilled chicken fajitas with lettuce wraps instead of tortillas. Friday, in addition to my normal lunch I did indulge in a Lemongrass Chicken Bao, but based on MyFitnessPal it wasn’t a fail.
Much like this week’s lunches, dinner’s consisted of the chicken salad with hummus, beetroot or lentil crackers and vegetables of a BBQ variety. Nothing spectacular and I’m not sure I would have been able to have it many more times, but it was effective. I did have one day where I attended an event for the Toronto Chapter of PMI, but the food falls squarely in the fail category. Better preparation will certainly be required for next week.
Snacks this week were pretty simple. I picked up some Cliff Bars (41C 7F 10P) to be my primary this week and then rounded out the rest of the menu with peaches and strawberries. Nothing fancy, but good solid choices
On the supplement scale, nothing exciting to report here. Calcium, vitamin B, vitamin D and vitamin C every day. This is in addition to the Super Greens, Protein Shake (AllMax IsoFlex Chocolate Peanut Butter) and Recovery (Progenex) that I get during the course of a normal day.
There were two big crashes this week. The first was the networking event I attended on Thursday. Beer, combined with meatballs, spring rolls, bruschetta and chicken strips. They were all deep fried (except the bruschetta) and of the pub variety so the nutrition facts and redeeming health value were nil. There was also a BBQ get together with lots of delicious treats, but again not necessarily healthy. While I did try to limit my intake of cheese, crab dip, spinach dip and various other treats. Sometimes you just have to enjoy yourself.
Week 3 is over and we start week 4 fresh. The key is not to dwell on the little slips, but to push forward and try and improve. That’s all we can do, keep working to get better.
Until next time,