Monday (June 30) – I’ve survived the first
round of @Savannahjessie’s birthday month, but only just. My body feels
absolutely great. I don’t remember the last time I said that and actually meant
it. Aside from some stiffness in my shoulders, my knees feel almost 80% better
and my Achilles hasn’t been nearly as bad. Who knew that Vitamin C could work
wonders other than stopping you from catching a cold. That combined with the
Joint Pro seems to have cleared up whatever has been going on in the knee (I
can even kneel on it again). It has totally changed my demeanor. Without having
to concentrate on avoiding the pain, I can focus on doing the work and it is
round of @Savannahjessie’s birthday month, but only just. My body feels
absolutely great. I don’t remember the last time I said that and actually meant
it. Aside from some stiffness in my shoulders, my knees feel almost 80% better
and my Achilles hasn’t been nearly as bad. Who knew that Vitamin C could work
wonders other than stopping you from catching a cold. That combined with the
Joint Pro seems to have cleared up whatever has been going on in the knee (I
can even kneel on it again). It has totally changed my demeanor. Without having
to concentrate on avoiding the pain, I can focus on doing the work and it is
The Birthday Girl!
Today was going to be a long day (6am WOD
and then coaching until 930pm) and after a weekend full of partying and
visitors (Momma C, Oma and Poppa C) it was tough to get out of bed (even though
I felt good). Once we got started though, the blood started pumping and we
turned the dial to 11 (c’mon, the is a Spinal Tap reference).
and then coaching until 930pm) and after a weekend full of partying and
visitors (Momma C, Oma and Poppa C) it was tough to get out of bed (even though
I felt good). Once we got started though, the blood started pumping and we
turned the dial to 11 (c’mon, the is a Spinal Tap reference).
12 minute EMOM, Alternating
Squat Cleans
2@ 70%
2@ 80%
2@ 90%
3×2@ 95%
5-10 Deficit HSPU (24” Box)
The Squat Cleans were really heavy and it
felt great to get a really positive review from Tavia about my bar movement and
bar contact. There were still a couple of reps where I rolled my back a little,
but everything seemed to work out ok! The Deficit HSPUs though were tough and I
certainly felt all the work we did last week.
felt great to get a really positive review from Tavia about my bar movement and
bar contact. There were still a couple of reps where I rolled my back a little,
but everything seemed to work out ok! The Deficit HSPUs though were tough and I
certainly felt all the work we did last week.
WOD (15 minute CAP)
3 Rope Climbs
3 Rope Climbs
20 Wallballs (20lbs)
10 Power Cleans (@155lbs)
20 Wallballs
3 Rope Climbs
20 Wallballs
10 Power Cleans
20 Wallballs
3 Rope Climbs
These new Ropes. I’m not sure yet if I
dislike them because they are new (and I have serious issues with change) or if
I straight out hate them. I haven’t managed a successful Rope climb in a long
time and these didn’t make me feel any better. I did start with attempts, but
switched to modified to make sure at the very least I was building strength.
That’s the key, work and build strength so that you can eventually perform the
movement. It took 13m46s to finish this marathon and by the end I did not want
to see another Wallball.
dislike them because they are new (and I have serious issues with change) or if
I straight out hate them. I haven’t managed a successful Rope climb in a long
time and these didn’t make me feel any better. I did start with attempts, but
switched to modified to make sure at the very least I was building strength.
That’s the key, work and build strength so that you can eventually perform the
movement. It took 13m46s to finish this marathon and by the end I did not want
to see another Wallball.
400m Sled Pull (@135lbs + Sled)
400m Sled Pull (@135lbs + Sled)
Now the WOD was tough, especially for a
Monday, but I am very glad I did manage to find a partner for the Sled Pull.
Now @katieandrien may not have read all the fine print about the Cash-out, but
I am glad she did it with me. I don’t pay with the sleds nearly enough and the
terrain profile (read that as hills) make it challenging, but completely worthwhile.
Monday, but I am very glad I did manage to find a partner for the Sled Pull.
Now @katieandrien may not have read all the fine print about the Cash-out, but
I am glad she did it with me. I don’t pay with the sleds nearly enough and the
terrain profile (read that as hills) make it challenging, but completely worthwhile.
Glute Stretch
Hip Stretches
Glute Stretch
Hip Stretches
Back Stretch
Back Rollout
Back Smash (Supernova)
Neck Smash (Supernova)
Neck Smash (Supernova)
Glute Smash (Supernova)
Headed out with @katieandrien
We talked about finding motivation and
health tips in the last post, today it’s about finding a partner. The Sled Pull
sucked (not a lot, but a bit). It was made infinitely more bearable because
@katieandrein came with me. It was a nice chat and it helped me keep putting
one foot in front of the other. Thanks for the push Katie!
health tips in the last post, today it’s about finding a partner. The Sled Pull
sucked (not a lot, but a bit). It was made infinitely more bearable because
@katieandrein came with me. It was a nice chat and it helped me keep putting
one foot in front of the other. Thanks for the push Katie!
Find a friend and go lift something (or Run,
Row, Swim…)!
Row, Swim…)!