Is it really you’re only as young as you feel? I’m not going to lie, but lately I think I should be shopping on Senior’s Day at Shoppers Drug Mart. My body doesn’t want to do anything but sleep (and deep down I really can’t say that I’m 100% opposed to the idea) and my mind (between the 5 year old temper tantrums and anger I feel) just can’t seem to get worked up about it. Today had to have been a record though as I’m pretty sure that both my eyes were still closed when I walked into the condo gym this morning.
So the session was 30 minutes (plus the 5 minute cool down), but today there was no elevation. My ankle and foot were barking the second I started, but I toughed it out. 2.35KMs burning 488.8 calories doesn’t seem too bad for a Thursday morning. The heart rate may have been a different story though. My average BPM was clocked at 128 while my max was in the neighborhood of 171 BPM. I would love to say that there were some other activities tacked on the end of this, but sadly, what you see is what you get today.