So for the first time since 2007 there will be a new champion in Mississauga Men’s Slo-pitch League.
I know that first line takes all the mystery out of the following blog, but I needed to get it out of the way. The Blue Rams needed to win both games against the number 1 team and then get help (by way of the team in front of us losing one of their two).
The Blue Rams pulled themselves together after last week’s disgusting performance and played good quality Blue Ram baseball. We played our most solid effort of the year in game one and then came back to win it in the bottom of the last inning with two out.
I ran hard and played hard (4-5 with 1RBI and 1 RUN scored) over the two games. It was two of my best games.
But after the comeback victory we found out that the team ahead of us also won both and ending our playoff reign, 2007-2009.
Diamond Dawgs playoffs next week.