Ok, there hasn’t been a posting for the month of December…
There are some reasons for that, not all of which I can get into with you, but rest assured that I did do some things…

December 19 – Brantford Football! A lovely Saturday morning with Denis and the Brantford crew running up and down the frozen tundra. Did not feel especially good with my performance (physically as opposed to football wise). It was a little tough keeping up with the guys and I rolled my ankle in the second half which stopped the running completely and relegated me to rotating QB.

December 26 – Boxing Day Football = Awesome. A much better showing by me on all fronts. I kept up and made some plays. Very happy about that.

Now for the updates…

I won’t be continuing P90X. Don’t panic though. I’m restarting the program and am going to stick to it for 90 Days and start a new weight/dieting program. I’m also in discussing with Dr. Chris to do a health and training study to see what a person can do if properly instructed and motivated.

All the best in the New Year,

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