Welcome to the end of the short month! How did your #Challenge go? Maybe it was the lack of sunlight this month? Lack of vitamin D? The insane weather? Record snow falls, followed by double-digit temperatures. I’m not sure what made this one so difficult to get through, but as always a last minute push was required. Cheers to you for working towards getting those 1,000 Bird Dogs. Now, before we get onto the March Challenge, I just want to remind you of something very important. You may not always complete the task, but do your best. All the extra work you do equals steps down the path of fitness. Just do your best!
**Update** Sadly I did not make it through the Bird Dogs, even with a late push. Final total was 360 of 1,000. Ugh. 36% is not enough, so while it was still work I can do better… March WILL be better!
Let’s Be Superheros!
We’ve done lots of work on our cores in the last 6 months and as we get ready for spring it’s time for some more. This month, your #Challenge is to complete 1,000 Hollow Rocks and 500 Superman Holds. For the Hollow Rocks, lay flat on the floor, fully extend your arms and legs and begin to rock back and forth while squeezing your abdominals. Don’t forget to point your toes and reach back as far as possible with your hands. Then, strap on your capes for the Superman portion and lay face down on the floor. Extend your arms and legs and try and bring your feet and hands to the ceiling. The catch is you need to keep your arms and legs straight.

Capture The Moments
Let’s all help to keep each other accountable. Post your Challenge pictures (before, during or after) and tag them with #BigBrnzChallenge and #itBrnz. If your profile is public, your photos will appear in the Gallery of www.bigbrnz.com.
Work hard and see if you can get through the Challenge before the 21st!